
"Christian Service Brigade is the men of the local church reaching out to the boys in their neighbourhood for Christ."

Saturday, 6 February 2016

Heralding Christ

by David Gregg, CSB USA Northern California Regional Director

HOC Pin for Young Men
Many organizations that emphasize an achievement process have a top honour to recognize those who have dedicated themselves to the organization and its program. We thought we'd take a quick moment to tell you about our top honour: the "Herald of Christ."

A young man cannot begin the steps to receive this honour until he is 16 and must complete it before his 21st birthday. W
e require the minimum age of 16, as we believe that by this time a young man will have been buffeted by the winds of temptation and the World enough to begin to reveal his level of commitment, not to Christian Service Brigade, but to Christ and His Kingdom.

Here, in brief, are the requirements for completing the Herald of Christ internship:

Before He Can Start
Prior to starting the Herald of Christ, a young man must also have completed the entire discipleship program of Explorer, Trailblazer, Guide, One Star, Two Star, and Three Star. By doing so, he should be equipped and demonstrating a life founded on Biblical knowledge, disciplines and leadership. So, before he begins the HOC, he will already have:

    Experienced the mentoring of numerous adult men
    Experienced the blessing of accountability from both adult men and peers
    Explored the structure and application of the Bible
    Memorized and learned to apply boat loads of scripture
    Studied the word of God and interacted with his leader/mentor regarding his study
    Studied the theology of prayer
    Practiced the disciplines of consistent prayer and Bible reading on his own
    Developed a habit of service
    Considered his place in the Church
    Practiced conflict resolution
    Studied and practiced evangelism
    Studied the principles and examples of Biblical servant leadership
    Led a small group of young men
    Practiced mentoring and discipling young men
    Led meetings
    Helped plan and execute events
    Led the process of evaluating meetings and events for improvement
    Spoken in public
    Assessed his own leadership gifts and weaknesses
    Begun to consider his spiritual gifts
    Practiced listening skills, phone skills, and interview skills

After He Starts
If by the time the young man has completed the prerequisites, is at least 16, and is evidencing the fruit of Christ's work in his life, the Herald of Christ program can begin. This process includes:
Bible Exploration of the following books:

    1 John
    2 John
    3 John

For each chapter, he must identify two discoveries, highlights or truths, and discuss this with his mentor.
A short, 250 word summary for each book is required, as well.

Bible Doctrine
The young man will meet with a member of his church staff for formal study in the doctrine of his church, followed by a written report summarizing the doctrinal study.

Ministry Project
The young man must choose and, with the help of his Herald of Christ Committee, organize a church related Ministry Project that will be challenging to him. This could be teaching a Sunday school class, serving as a junior counselor at camp, or organizing a missions trip, for example.

Community Project
The young man must also engage in a leadership or service project in the community for at least three months. This too should be challenging to the young man and is designed to emphasize the important role that Christians are to play in the community where God has placed them.

Bible Memorization
In addition to the scripture committed to memory as a prerequisite, he must also memorize:

    Romans 8:38-39
    1 John 3:2
    Isaiah 40:28-31
    John 14:21
and two of the following:
    Psalm 37:1-9
    Isaiah 53:1-6
    Romans 5:1-8
    Ephesians 2:1-7
    1 Timothy 3:1-7

Essay or Theme
As the internship comes to an end, he must write a 1000 word essay answering the following four questions:

    How did I come to know Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour?
    In what ways is Christ working in my life today?
    What are some of my future plans for serving Christ?
    What are some key Bible verses for me at this time in my life? Why?

If at the end of this process the young man continues to demonstrate the fruit of Christ in his life and has shown himself to be a herald of his Lord within the gifts and abilities God has granted him, then he will become one of just over200 young men to have received this honour in the 73 year history of our organization in Canada.

If You Are Interested
If you, or a young man you know, are interested in learning more about the Herald of Christ program, please contact our national office at:

613 225-3689

or, your local Regional Director through our website:

Honorary HOC PinIf you are a CSB Leader, consider the Herald of Christ for Leaders. It is generally completed comfortably within three years of starting. Contact CSB for the program's special requirements.

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