
"Christian Service Brigade is the men of the local church reaching out to the boys in their neighbourhood for Christ."

Friday, 27 March 2015

Serve with CSB in Zambia this Summer!

In a strange cultural tension, Zambian men have a historical tradition of the "insaka" where young men are taught by older men the traditions and skills of their people. But in modern Zambia there is very little interaction between older men and boys. Inter-generational discipleship is a foreign concept even in the church. Seeing this huge need CSB was asked by some local missionaries to come out to help train pastors. Almost every year since 2010 we have sent a team to this amazing land of beauty and promise. We believe that with the strong foundation that has been laid it is now time to invite other interested men who may have a heart for bringing the gospel and a vision for discipleship to this special part of the world. 

If you have any interest in being a part of this adventure please contact us right away.

Our vision is for training pastors and other lay leaders in the church. Each time we have visited Uganda we conducted seminars for men interested in “building godly men of today and tomorrow.” Dozens of Christian men have completed the training. Many are now involved in leading groups of boys and young men in their churches, mostly in the Lusaka area. Zambians have invited us to return again in 2015.

The dates are not yet firm, but probably in early May, a few CSB staff are planning to serve the Zambian EAGLES ministry to young men and boys. Our trip is expected to last about 10 days (2 weekends). We are asking the Lord to provide a few additional men with solid Brigade experience to join us. This trip is to have a slightly different purpose.

The bold challenges for this trip are threefold:
  1. Assist some Zambian EAGLES leaders in becoming competent trainers of other men who desire to serve as EAGLES’ leaders in their churches; 
  2. Assist a team of Zambian men in developing a “program guide” for EAGLES leaders; 
  3. Encourage a few pastors and leaders in their completing the requirements for gaining non-profit recognition from the Zambian government. 
If one of these tasks appeals to you, consider asking the Lord to make it possible for you to be involved on the team.

Our overall objective is to move EAGLES toward being independent, able to raise funding, and spread throughout the evangelical churches of this beautiful country. We do not expect their ministry to boys to look exactly like what happens in North America.  Joe Coughlin, the founder of CSB, said, “Every country needs to conduct and run their own ministry to men and boys.” CSB has received requests for help from numerous countries.

Those interested in joining this team are to complete a brief application by February 10. Once accepted, each member must raise their own funding for transportation and housing (approx. CA$3200), read several recommended books, and participate in conference calls of prayer with the team. An email to Harold Browne will supply you with the application. Upon approval, you will receive instructions for fund raising, the names of the helpful books to purchase and read, and the specific times of the conference calls.

Contact Harold Browne for more information:

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