
"Christian Service Brigade is the men of the local church reaching out to the boys in their neighbourhood for Christ."

Friday, 27 March 2015

The Deep Impact of Discipleship

By Peter Westerman
Many men of God have passed through the ranks of Christian Service Brigade over the years. On January 23, 2015, Bill Wood, 82, went into the presence of our Lord. Bill served Battalion #997 of Bethlehem Church, Randolph, NJ for over 50 years. His love for canoeing and the outdoors introduced hundreds of boys to the wonder of God’s creation.
In June of 2013, Bill was awarded an honorary Herald of Christ in recognition of his years of service in discipling of young men. During the ceremony, numerous men testified to how Bill had guided them as teens to receive Jesus Christ as Savior or deepen their faith. Pastor Tim Hart, for whom Bill has been a life-long mentor had this to say, “Mr. Wood was dedicated to engaging, encouraging and equipping godly men to raise up godly young men to lead and serve in family, church and community.” Tim shared how Mr. Wood demonstrated this beyond CSB by visiting him in a home for delinquent kids.
Bill shared many of his passions in #997, however canoeing stands out above all the rest. In fact, Bill’s house was typically identified by the presence of a large canoe trailer parked in his driveway. Bill used canoeing as an activity that introduced something new, as well as getting guys outside where they’d be surrounded by God in nature. George Westerman, fellow Brigade leader and very close friend of Bill, observed, “Bill loved canoe trips. On these trips some were saved, but most grew closer to the Lord. Some became missionaries or pastors, but most became fine Christian dads.” And many have continued involvement with CSB by bringing their sons and grandsons back to #997.
But before all the boys Bill worked with, he loved his family the most. His wife, Janet was involved in Pioneer Girls and served as Administrator at Camp Cherith (now Camp Cedarbrook). Bill supported her whole-heartedly, using his passion for camping and his knowledge as an engineer to assist his wife to keep camp running well. Later in life, as Jan was suffering from Alzheimer’s Bill remained a loyal and loving husband. Every day between 11am and 1pm, they had lunch together—a date Bill wouldn’t miss for anything.
Their daughter, Peggy, and her husband serve as missionaries in Taiwan. Their son, Bill Jr., said, “One word I’d use to describe my father would be faithful.” Truly Bill’s faithful commitment to the Gospel of Christ made him an effective minister. Through this man, God’s unconditional, unchanging and unwavering love has shown bright.  To the very end, Bill was instrumental as a leader in Brigade. He served as Brigade Chairman, and even filled in as Tree Climber Coordinator. When Michael, a young teen, showed interest in Battalion, Bill made it his personal mission to drive the boy to and from meetings.
Bill understood discipleship. He knew the importance of taking a boy under his wing and investing in that boy's life. Dave Fuge, who was in #997 over 40 years ago, said, "He had a great influence on my leadership and spiritual development.” One could write a book from the many wise words that passed from Bill’s lips as he’d look a young man in the eyes, rest his arm on his shoulder, and seek to encourage him by showing he cared.
For this writer, Bill Wood had an incredible influence on my own walk with the Lord. If it were not for the decades of service Bill gave to ministering to young men, I doubt I would be here today. Bill Wood’s testimony is an example of what it means to be “imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” (Ephesians 5:1-2).

A Message From the Board

CSB Canada...


This has been created to allow CSB Canada to have it's own communication tool for sharing the good news of our ministry with it's friends and supporters. We value your involvement. Please be patient as we work this out, but above all...

Please be praying for our leadership!

Serve with CSB in Zambia this Summer!

In a strange cultural tension, Zambian men have a historical tradition of the "insaka" where young men are taught by older men the traditions and skills of their people. But in modern Zambia there is very little interaction between older men and boys. Inter-generational discipleship is a foreign concept even in the church. Seeing this huge need CSB was asked by some local missionaries to come out to help train pastors. Almost every year since 2010 we have sent a team to this amazing land of beauty and promise. We believe that with the strong foundation that has been laid it is now time to invite other interested men who may have a heart for bringing the gospel and a vision for discipleship to this special part of the world. 

If you have any interest in being a part of this adventure please contact us right away.

Our vision is for training pastors and other lay leaders in the church. Each time we have visited Uganda we conducted seminars for men interested in “building godly men of today and tomorrow.” Dozens of Christian men have completed the training. Many are now involved in leading groups of boys and young men in their churches, mostly in the Lusaka area. Zambians have invited us to return again in 2015.

The dates are not yet firm, but probably in early May, a few CSB staff are planning to serve the Zambian EAGLES ministry to young men and boys. Our trip is expected to last about 10 days (2 weekends). We are asking the Lord to provide a few additional men with solid Brigade experience to join us. This trip is to have a slightly different purpose.

The bold challenges for this trip are threefold:
  1. Assist some Zambian EAGLES leaders in becoming competent trainers of other men who desire to serve as EAGLES’ leaders in their churches; 
  2. Assist a team of Zambian men in developing a “program guide” for EAGLES leaders; 
  3. Encourage a few pastors and leaders in their completing the requirements for gaining non-profit recognition from the Zambian government. 
If one of these tasks appeals to you, consider asking the Lord to make it possible for you to be involved on the team.

Our overall objective is to move EAGLES toward being independent, able to raise funding, and spread throughout the evangelical churches of this beautiful country. We do not expect their ministry to boys to look exactly like what happens in North America.  Joe Coughlin, the founder of CSB, said, “Every country needs to conduct and run their own ministry to men and boys.” CSB has received requests for help from numerous countries.

Those interested in joining this team are to complete a brief application by February 10. Once accepted, each member must raise their own funding for transportation and housing (approx. CA$3200), read several recommended books, and participate in conference calls of prayer with the team. An email to Harold Browne will supply you with the application. Upon approval, you will receive instructions for fund raising, the names of the helpful books to purchase and read, and the specific times of the conference calls.

Contact Harold Browne for more information:

Just Say 'NO' to A Summer Job

Choose a CSB Internship instead 

CSB offers some amazing internship opportunities for young men in a bunch of different fields. If you or a young man you know might benefit please follow the link below. We're building godly men of today and tomorrow. Want to help?

CSB Ministries is pleased to work closely with colleges and universities in providing quality internship experiences for young men. We are well aware that many young men have a lot to offer a ministry like CSB. We are honoured to provide you with a balance of experienced oversight, and an environment where you are unleashed to thrive in your unique gift/skill/experience set.

We seek young men as intern candidates who have a passion to serve in the arena of ministry to men, young men and boys. We are prepared to provide internships in the following areas:

  • Camping Internship: There are camps associated with CSB that can provide a quality camping internship which include learning about all aspects of camp management and ministry with a focus on inter-generational ministry of men to young men and boys.
  • Program Materials Writing: This internship is for young men who are receiving training in a writing-related field. Join CSB’s gifted and passionate staff in providing quality materials for CSB programs. Gain experience not only in writing but also in the visioning that goes behind our curriculum.
  • On-line store management: This unique internship provides experience on all levels of the supply chain. From marketing to order fulfillment you will develop skills and experience in eCommerce and warehousing.
  • Computer Software Development/Web and Graphic Design: This internship will allow you to flex your creative muscles in an effort to bring CSB into the 21st century. You will work alongside our IT department in developing and managing web applications, and designing graphic resources and web sites.
  • Ministry: You will work closely with a Regional Director and gain experience in planning and executing events, discipleship, marketing and promotion, leadership training and nurturing relationships with churches that partner with us.
We recognize the importance of building a relationship with each intern by seeking to match him with the right staff member. We can provide you with an opportunity for significant ministry experience that will be an important component in preparing you for full-time ministry. If you are interested in pursuing a possible internship with CSB Ministries, please contact our Harold Browne:
Phone: 613 225-3689

Adventure: Making the Story Worth Reading

A CSB Trip in California to ascend Mt. Whitney
Prison may not be the most sought after of locations to inspire world changing writing but it was in Bedford prison in 1675 where a mender of pots and pans penned what would become the most sold book of all time second only to the Bible. By using the solitude and darkness of the prison experience to inspire this allegory of the Christian life  John Bunyan joined the ranks of other world changers whose prison inspired works are still deeply appreciated today, men like Fyodor Dostoevsky and of course the Apostles John and Paul.
It is in fact the difficult times that provide the inspiration that turns our stories into adventures. Each of us can look back at the dark and difficult times of our lives and can see how it was in those times that we truly came to know and depend on the faithfulness of God. It is on the other side of the "valleys" that we can see that we are in fact a part of the greatest adventure story ever written. And like Christian in the Pilgrims Progress, Frodo in The Lord  of the Rings, or The Apostle Paul in his prison bound letter to the Philippians, truly great adventures require the tension that make our lives a story worth telling.
We love stories of adventure. Our hearts thrill when our hero narrowly escapes certain death and our hearts sink when the escape fails to materialize. Without these highs and lows adventure ceases to exist. In celebration of the importance of adventure in our lives we dedicated the January issue of the Brigade connection to ADVENTURE; a part of life that Christian Service Brigade has made a vital component of our ministry for more than 77 years.

David Gregg, on behalf of your partners in this great adventure,
The CSB Ministry Team

Living Our Story of Stewardship

How are you building boys and young men for Christ?

“You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.”—
Matthew 25:23

In the parable from Matthew, Jesus teaches that all of us are stewards entrusted by God with vast wealth. Even the steward who received just one talent was given a fortune worth the equivalent of thirty-five years of daily wages.

But how can your stewardship impact boys for Christ?  How can you invest your talent, time or treasure?  Maybe it’s talking to leaders at your church about starting a new CSB program.  Perhaps it’s encouraging a fatherless boy to attend his first Stockade camping trip.  Maybe you would like to help out at a camp or Shape N’ Race event.   Whatever your interests and talents, we are here to help you discover how you can make a difference. How you can be the hands and feet of Jesus through Christian Service Brigade.

Investing some of your treasure can also go a long way towards changing the course of a young man’s life. If you’ve never given to CSB Ministries we encourage you to pray about giving in 2015. With a thankful heart, we will steward your gift and earn a return.  Sending out more Godly men for Christ.

Contact us today to learn how you can help us reach more boys. 613 225-3689 or at

What's Happening in CSB Canada?

Christian Service Brigade is alive and well and moving forward in Canada. While there is good stuff coming out of the national office and the warehouse, there are stories of God doing great things in the local areas. Boys are being won to Christ. Young men are stretching their faith and dedicating themselves to the Lord. Men are choosing to deny themselves of good things in order to focus on the better ones.

In the Maritimes, Harold Browne reports: Boys are...

In Ontario, Ron Carnahan and Harold are busy with...

The Prairies region - from Thunderbay to the Alberta border - are looked after by Gord Banman. They are looking forward to...

Howard Pike reports that the Alberta region is growing with a newly revived Stockade unit in Olds already signed up for this fall. Camp Teepee Pole...

In BC, Howard is also hearing stories of good things happening. The Bear Creek Stockade...

Steve Grove is busy in Saskatoon and is heading up the Stockade and Battalion revision efforts for all of CSB in North America. He is also...

At the Winnipeg warehouse, the Brigade Online Store is being updated to better meet the needs of our Canadian groups and churches. Please click on the link...

In the National Office in Ottawa, Harold is...

The Board of Directors is busy with...

If you want to share what the Lord is doing in your area, or to hear more, or to find out how you can help build God men of today and tomorrow, please contact your local CSB Regional Director, or the National Office. Enquiries to the Board can be made through the National Office. Thank you and God bless.

Harold Browne  -
Ron Carnahan  -
Gord Banman  -
Steve Grove  -
Howard Pike  -

National Office & Board  -