
"Christian Service Brigade is the men of the local church reaching out to the boys in their neighbourhood for Christ."

Friday, 24 February 2017

The President's Connection

Christian Service Brigade Regional Directors have been attending MissionFests and Promise Keepers conferences across Canada in the past months. At the Vancouver and Winnipeg MissionFests, informal surveys revealed approximately 1/3 of all the ministries represented were manned by an alumni of Christian Service Brigade. What a testimony to the heritage and legacy of CSB in Canada! Brigade is still at work, building the godly men of tomorrow who will lead Canada’s churches, missions, and para-church ministries.

CSB has the tools churches need to build godly men of today and tomorrow. Our new booklet, Imagine helps pastors, youth pastors, lay leaders, and church members catch the vision of being a church with a mission to disciple the boys of today to become the godly leaders of tomorrow. Imagine your church equipped with a 15-year discipleship path for your boys and young men. Imagine your teenage guys graduating high school able to stand firm spiritually, ready to face the world with Jesus Christ as their leader, the Holy Spirit as their guide and the spiritual maturity to fulfill their calling in the Kingdom of God.

Your church needs a copy of this booklet. Your friend’s church needs the Imagine booklet that lays out a vision of the future while remaining grounded in today. For your free copy, send and email to: and we will make sure you have one in hand.

At Christmas, I told you the story of a Grandmother in Ontario who decided to become one of Gideon’s Men by supporting CSB Canada $30 a month for a year. She had seen first-hand how her grandson’s involvement with CSB had changed him for the better. You can join her and become one of Gideon’s Men. We need 300 donors willing to commit just $30/month for 1 year (or a one-time donation of $360).

As president of CSB, it has been my joy to connect with leaders and units across Canada. After a conversation with one Captain, I am currently writing the biblical section of a new Battalion Mission on Blacksmithing. I am talking with others about nominations for awarding the Honourary Herald of Christ to men of integrity who have been discipling the next generation of men for decades.

I also want to remind you that Tuesday February 28, 2017 is going to be National Day of Prayer for Christian Service Brigade across Canada. Will you set aside 15 Minutes to pray for the ministry that you are a vital part of ? If so could drop me a note telling us the time slot that you would be praying.

In addition, we are looking for prayer requests from people all across Canada for the ministry. They will be added to our Prayer Request List that will be sent only to those who indicate they will be praying for us. To protect your privacy where names are mentioned we will use only first names. Send your requests directly to our Vice President, Harold Browne at

Your partners in ministry,

Steve Grove

National Prayer Day for CSB Canada

National Prayer Day for CSB Canada

CSB Canada has set aside March 2nd as our National Day of Prayer for Christian Service Brigade across our great country. 

We are enlisting leaders, churches, friends, alumni and supporters of CSB to lift this vital ministry to the boys and young men in our communities to our Lord God Almighty, seeking His special favour. We are asking men, women and children to be our team of Prayer Warriors. and to also share with us their prayer requests for themselves, families, churches and communities.
Prayer Requests:
CSB Overall Ministry Requests:
  • Pray that Christ would be given the preeminent position in all we do and say in the Tree Climber, Stockade and Battalion groups across Canada. And, that the Word of God would be clearly proclaimed, so that each boy or young man would have the opportunity to ask Jesus to become his Saviour, and to follow Him as a strong disciple.
  • Pray that the CSB leaders, Tree Climber dads, Rangers, Chief Rangers, Lieutenants, Captains, Brigade Chairmen and church leadership will build strong connections with the boys and young men; that all involved in those ministries will bring glory to God and will truly be “Bright and Keen for Christ”.
  • Pray that Churches across Canada would recognize their responsibility to build the upcoming generations of boys and young men, and would seriously consider using Christian Service Brigade as part of their ministry of Building Godly Men.
  • Pray for the expansion of CSB to more churches in Canada. We need many more churches to join this ministry. We are particularly focusing on Calgary that was once a hotbed of CSB, and where we have had a number of inquiries from parents and churches about a ministry to their boys. 
  • Pray that we would be able to establish strong and vital contact with our alumni both of boys and leaders, particularly with our over 200 Heralds of Christ, to become ambassadors for CSB to lead our efforts to rebuild the ministry across Canada in their churches and beyond.  
  • Pray that the distribution of our latest brochure “Imagine” to pastors and leaders would spark an interest in them to encourage the men in their churches to start CSB ministries, particularly those whose churches have operated this ministry in the past .
  • Pray for the Board Members of CSB Canada as they provide the overall leadership and determine the direction of the organization.
  • Praise the Lord for each one of the monthly pre-authorized donors, many of whom have supported the ministry financially for decades.
  • Pray for a substantial increase in ongoing support of our President, as well as the support for expanding staff and additional training resources. 

Requests for our Staff:

  • Pray for the staff of CSB Canada and their wives - Dr Steve (Bonnie) Grove, President and RD for North Saskatchewan; Harold (Carol) Browne, Vice President and RD for Quebec & Maritimes; Gord (Marie) Banman, Warehouse Manager and RD for Manitoba & South Saskatchewan; Ron (Diane) Carnahan, Regional Director for Ontario; and Howard (Kathie) Pike, Regional Director for British Columbia & Alberta.
  • Pray for Steve Grove he works on the final stages of major revisions to Frontier Trails and a Junior Leaders manual for Battalion. 
  • Pray new doors of opportunity to open for our ministry
  • Pray for his family during the busyness of season - Ben just turned 18 and finishing his last semester of high school, Bonnie finishing her Honour's Project early April and then self-publishing a novel later in the month.
  • Praise that Heather's transition to a new school has gone well.
  • Pray for Gord who will be at a Promise Keepers’ gathering next weekend that it would generate interest in the ministry by men to boys.
  • Pray for our Upcoming CSB Staff Conference that will be taking place in Winnipeg in May.

National Prayer Requests:
  • Pray for safety as our staff, leaders, boys and families travel to and from their CSB activities.
  • Pray for CSB's efforts to "Build Godly Men of Today" as we encourage men and CSB leaders to be effective in their churches and ministries, families and communities; to be mighty Men of God and worthy Christ-followers.
  • Pray that God will stir up church leadership to provide men in their churches opportunities to disciple and mentor boys to manhood through action-packed, geared-to-boys ministry programs.
  • Pray for our partners south of the border, for Scott Haima and the staff of CSB USA headquartered in Buffalo New York.
  • Pray that CSB in local churches will continue to Win and Train Boys for Christ, and that together we are Building Godly Men of Today and Tomorrow.

Regional Requests:
     Ontario -
  • Pray for Ontario that churches will see a vision to use CSB ministry tools to reach boys and young men for Christ by utilizing the men in their churches to mentor and disciple them.
     British Columbia & Alberta -
  • Pray for the growth of CSB - both our work with boys and young men through Christian Service Brigade and our ministry to men through the CSB Men's Network.
  • Pray for the current Alberta Trip (home on March 8th, as the Lord leads) - for a good response post-Missions Fest Alberta, good connections to CSB churches, increased opportunities to establish new CSB groups, safety while travelling, and God's appointments.
  • Pray for CSB's Iron Sharpens Iron Men's Conference on April 6th with NHL's Ryan Walter and missionologist Dr Bill Hogg. Pray that the turn out of men will be good; that the response by those attending will be favourable; that the Lord will be served by this major men's event in the Lower Mainland of BC.
  • Pray for Camp Teepee Pole in Alberta - their Tree Climber, Adventure Trails, Leadership Trails and Stockade Camps, as well as the Father and Son Team Day, Fundraiser Banquet, Work Days, Staff Recruitment and Staff Training.
  • Pray for the April Alberta trip, the May Vancouver Island trip, and the summer Camp Teepee Pole trip.
  • Pray for the Tough Guys Father & Son - Men & Boys Campout on May 3-5.
  • Pray for our connectedness to our CSB leaders, churches and families through our online resources. Pray that Howard will be able to create a simple way to share effectively our CSB equipping resources.
  • Pray that CSB in BC and Alberta will be able to build Godly men through our intentional efforts in men's ministry and through the CSB Men's Network.
  • Pray for our media connections with The Light Magazine, City Light News, Praise 106.5 and KARI. We need to work on Joy TV.
  • Pray for our involvement in and support of Angus Buchan's (Faith Like Potatoes) Mighty Men's Conference in Castlegar on June 28-30.
  • Pray for CSB's continued influence in Men's Ministry in the Lower Mainland and beyond. CSB was the original men's ministry in many of today's churches. Men who serve together tend to bond, and will build their churches as a result.
  • Pray for God's continued blessing of His Church through its men and especially through CSB. Pray for God to open doors… and to open the floodgates.
  • Please pray that Tim Horton's will stop blocking the website.(We have tried to use their request form three times, but so far there's been no response and no solution to the problem.)

Personal Requests to be Shared:
  • Pray for CS (a Friend of Harold) who will have major surgery this week to remove a mass. Pray for the best possible outcome.
  • Pray for David who is seeking a job. He has his CMA and has worked at Canadian Tire and Tim Horton’s in accounting type work, and is currently seeking employment. Please pray that he would find suitable work. He has recently applied at Canadian Tire.
  • Please pray that God would stir the hearts of the men in our church to sacrifice their time and energy to invest in the growing ministry of CSB. We need workers for the field!
  • Pray for the family of Wally Mills, better known as Captain Wally, Captain of Battalion at Calvary Baptist, Camp Director at Camp Kakeka, former Regional Director in Central Ontario. He passed away in January.
  • Pray for the family of Tom Swan, first President of CSB Canada from 1968 to 1980, Regional Director, Camp Director at Camp Kakeka. His Memorial service to be held Saturday March 16, in Niagara Fall, ON.
  • Please pray with Jenn and Ryan Walter that our Lord will be lifted up and exalted in all that they do and say.
  • Pray for retired Pastor Spencer as his aged mother has an inoperable mass in her brain. Pray for God’s healing hand to be on Neil R, a Battalion boy who has liver problems.
  • Pray for Karson K, a Brigade leader’s three year old son who has had a kidney transplant but is still experiencing issues and is in and out of the hospital.
  • Pray for Brandon B a former Brigade boy who is in the Teen Challenge program.
·         Pray for the marriages of Bob, Jim and Kevin, and many of the men of CSB as they try to balance, family, work and service to the Lord.
·         Pray for the Stockade unit at Bear Creek Community Church that God would show us some direction.